1988 Honda GL1500A
Price calculator
1 Price and additional costs
- IAAI auction fees N/A
- Documentation fee N/A
- Transaction N/A
- Total N/A
Final cost N/A
- VIN 1HFSC2209JA******
- Lot number 40683742
- Date added
- Date of auction
- Facility AL - Headland
Pricing analysis
- Retail price $2,445 USD
- Primary damage Right side
- Secondary damage Left side
- Condition Won’t start
Vehicle info
- Odometer 112,386 mi (actual)
- Keys Yes
- Engine type 6L
- Drivetrain N/A
- Transmission N/A
- Fuel Other
- Cylinders 6
- Body style Touring
- Color Blue
- Trim N/A
- City mileage N/A
- Highway mileage N/A
- Transmission speeds N/A
- Standard seating N/A
- Curb weight N/A
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Discover Your Next Affordable 1988 Honda GL1500A: Don't Miss Our Salvage Motorcycles Auction!
Uncover the opportunity to own a budget-friendly 1988 Honda GL1500A with some damage at a significantly reduced cost! This used motorcycle is showcased in the IAAI lot 40683742 on CARS4.BID, just waiting to be unearthed like a hidden gem.
This 1988 Honda GL1500A is set to be a part of our upcoming online Motorcycles auction on Jan 22, 2025 5:00 PM (UTC).
Details About 1988 Honda GL1500A
This salvage 1988 Honda GL1500A is currently located at AL - Headland. Here are essential details about the motorcycle's condition to consider:
Motorcycle Condition: The 1988 Honda GL1500A exhibits right side damage, and left side damage. It is identified with won’t start and comes with clean title.
Motorcycle Details: This blue-colored touring boasts an odometer reading of 112,386 miles. Please note that the keys are present.
What Makes this Deal Irresistible
The estimated bid range for securing this repairable 1988 Honda GL1500A is $1,000 USD, providing significant savings compared to its retail price of $2,445 USD.
Place Your Bid Confidently
Before making a move, ensure you have all the information you need about these wrecked motorcycles.
So why wait? CARS4.BID presents an array of salvage motorcycles for sale at competitive prices, and this specific Honda GL1500A is an opportunity you shouldn't let slip by.
Utilize our search and filters to explore similar 1988 Honda GL1500A models in your area. Seize this fantastic offer to own salvage motorcycles by placing your bid now!