2021 Other 28jbss
Price calculator
1 Price and additional costs
- Copart auction fees N/A
- Documentation fee N/A
- Transaction N/A
- Total N/A
Final cost N/A
- VIN EPY0485*****
- Lot number 85237784
- Date added
- Date of auction Auction date is not assigned
- Facility AL - Eight Mile
Pricing analysis
- Bid to win
- Retail price $225,083 USD
- Sale status On approval
- Primary damage Flood
- Secondary damage All over
- Condition Won’t start
Vehicle info
- Odometer N/A
- Keys No
- Engine type N/A
- Drivetrain N/A
- Transmission N/A
- Fuel N/A
- Cylinders N/A
- Body style N/A
- Color Blue
- Trim N/A
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Salvage Boat for Sale: Seize This Opportunity!
Get a 2021 Other 28jbss at a much lower price! You can find this boat under Copart, lot 85237784 on CARS4.BID.
The auction for 2021 Other 28jbss is planned, but we don't have a date yet. Keep checking the auction updates so you don't miss out.
Boat Specification
This salvage 2021 Other 28jbss is located at AL - Eight Mile. Here are some crucial points about the boat's condition that you should consider:
Boat Condition: The boat has flood damage. Additionally, it has all over. It is tagged as won’t start and comes with clean title.
Boat Details: The 2021 Other 28jbss is blue in color. Please note that the keys are missing.
Why This Deal is a Steal
You can get this fixable 2021 Other 28jbss for an estimated bid of $47,200 USD - $50,200 USD, a big saving compared to its retail price of $225,083 USD.
Make Your Bid with Confidence
Be sure to know all the details before you take action.
Don't wait! CARS4.BID has lots of vehicles at good prices, and this Other 28jbss is a chance you can't miss.
Look for similar 2021 Other 28jbss models near you using our search and filters. Join our salvage boat auction today to get this great deal!