2006 R-Vision Max Lite
Price calculator
1 Price and additional costs
- Copart auction fees N/A
- Documentation fee N/A
- Transaction N/A
- Total N/A
Final cost N/A
- VIN 4WYT32M2861******
- Lot number 37080174
- Date added
- Date of auction Auction date is not assigned
- Facility AL - Eight Mile
Pricing analysis
- Bid to win
- Retail price $8,309 USD
- Sale status Pure sale
- Damage Flood
- Condition Won’t start
Vehicle info
- Odometer N/A
- Keys No
- Has engine No
- Engine type L
- Drivetrain N/A
- Transmission N/A
- Fuel N/A
- Cylinders N/A
- Body style Max Lite Tt
- Color White
- Trim N/A
- City mileage N/A
- Highway mileage N/A
- Transmission speeds N/A
- Standard seating N/A
- Curb weight N/A
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Find Your Affordable Recreational Vehicle: Grab This Chance!
Get a low-cost 2006 R-Vision Max Lite with small damages for a fraction of the retail price! It's in lot 37080174 at Copart on CARS4.BID. This salvage RV is a hidden gem waiting for your attention.
The auction for this salvage 2006 R-Vision Max Lite is scheduled, but the specific date is yet to be assigned. Keep checking the auction updates so you don't miss it.
Recreational Vehicle Specs
Located at AL - Eight Mile, here are key details about the recreational vehicle's condition:
Recreational Vehicle Condition: The RV has flood damage. It's marked as won’t start and has clean title.
Recreational Vehicle Specifications: This white-colored max lite tt has an unknown mileage. Note that the keys are missing.
Why This Deal is Great
The estimated bid range for this 2006 R-Vision Max Lite is $1,300 USD - $2,300 USD. That's a lot less than the retail price of $8,309 USD.
Bid with Confidence
Make sure you know all the details before you bid.
Don't wait! CARS4.BID has lots of vehicles at good prices, and this R-Vision Max Lite is a chance you should take. Look for similar 2006 R-Vision Max Lite models near you with our search and filters. Place your bid today and get a great deal!